Archives for 2013

Hoping For No Surprises

Tomorrow – 30th May 2013 – sees the TRAN (Transport and Tourism) Committee of MEPs vote on a raft amendments on the Road Worthiness Testing (RWT) which will then reflect the opinion of the European Parliament – however we are hoping for no surprises in the vote as regards motorcycles. The meeting and vote are […]

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Clancy – “Sigiri or Bust!”

Geoff Hill’s latest update on – THE CS CLANCY CENTENARY RIDE – as they have moved across the world! Supported by Adelaide Insurance Services and BMW Motorrad. Recreating the first around the world ride 100 years on. The rain poured down in sheets as the road climbed out of the suburbs of Colombo and wound […]

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SORN For Irish Riders

MAG Ireland the Irish Riders Rights organisation report that their government are looking to introduce SORN – Statutory Off Road Notification. In their report they state that in the UK, “Under SORN, a vehicle may not be declared off-the-road if it sits on your driveway in a drivable condition.” This statement is incorrect something which […]

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Kim Krebs’s Big Life

From the Nurofen (other painkilling drugs are available) advertisement. The documentary highlights Kim Krebs’s Big Life as a land speed racer…………… Nurofen on You Tube – Click Here Kim Krebs’s Big Life  Kim Krebs – Land Speed Racer – Documentary from DSCasting Company on Vimeo.

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Motorcycling Romania

Right To Ride welcomes as a Business supporter – Motorcycling Romania. Motorcycling Romania is a company which  specializes in renting motorcycles to those who wish to tour Romania. An unique way to discover the sights and attractions of Romania. A range of routes and tour suggestions are provided for breath-taking adventures or if you have […]

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Bike To Castle Ward

Get on your bike to Castle Ward! On Monday 27 May, Castle Ward are inviting all lovers of two wheeled transport to come down and feel the wind in their hair as they enjoy the panoramic views of Strangford Lough and the sounds of live music, as the Illegal Eagles and The Wildflowers perform on […]

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Interview The President

As a motorcyclist – scooterist or – a European Powered Two/Three Wheeled (PTW) rider you could have the chance to go to Strasbourg to interview the President of the European Parliament – Martin Schulz! With European legislation on motorcycling and road safety a focus for the European Parliament, you can – according to the European […]

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NW 200 Raceweek

The 12th to the 18th of May is North West 200 Race Week and apart for the main purpose of the NW 200 which is for bike racing the International 2013 Vauxhall North West 200 is billed as a “Raceweek Festival” from Portrush to Portstewart to Coleraine to Ballymoney. You can download the NW 200 […]

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Clancy In Trouble

Geoff Hill’s latest update on – THE CS CLANCY CENTENARY RIDE Supported by Adelaide Insurance Services and BMW Motorrad. Recreating the first around the world ride 100 years on. At the border crossing between France and Spain at Le Perthus, Clancy ran into trouble. “A villainous Spaniard, bedecked in the most dressy of uniforms, blocked […]

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On Facebook

We at Right To Ride have been away from Northern Ireland from the middle of March and we are not due back until late May. At the moment we are in France (we travelled as far south as the Algarve in Portugal) and continuing to enjoy the good weather that Northern Ireland is “not” suffering! […]

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