Kings Hall Confirmed

2014 Adelaide­­/Blackhorse Motorcycle Festival is confirmed If you are buying a 2014 calendar or a 2014 diary for a fellow motorcycle fan this Christmas make sure and get a red pen and highlight the dates February 7th, 8th and 9th (Friday – Sunday) as that’s when Billy and Marty Nutt will be staging the 2014 […]

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Island Trikers Street Collection

Yesterday saw the annual Christmas street collection in Belfast by the “Island Trikers” for their chosen charity, the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children. The group use their trikes, some costumes and gentle persuasion, along with bright yellow Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children t-Shirts – very extra large to go over bike gear – […]

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Road Race Bill Passed

A Road Races (Amendment) Bill was passed in the Assembly today The Bill will introduce flexibility to help promoters of road races to reschedule races where they would otherwise have to be cancelled due to bad weather. From next year, race promoters will be able to use up to two contingency days in relation to […]

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Ancestors Toy Run – 2013

The annual Toy Run from the Ancestors MCC at the weekend was an excellent fund raising event from the club. The annual event now it its twenty-umtenth year raises funds for the Children’s Ward at the Ulster Hospital, Dundonald. The run followed its now traditional route from Ballygowan – Lisburn – Belfast to the Ulster […]

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Patch It Up!

Our friends over at TARMACJUNKYS have come up with a fantastic and simple idea to raise funds for a good cause – The TARMACJUNKYS Cut Off! They have purchased a denim cut-off – original Levi denim jacket and wacked the sleeves of – with the aim to sew on motorcycle patches donated from around the […]

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NEC Trip

Right to Ride’s Trevor Baird goes to the NEC This time last week I had just returned chilled from a ride across to the Motorcycle Live show at the NEC Birmingham – I took a ferry, travelled on motorways, walked for miles around the show, met up with a few people, took photographs and […]

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Trialogues – Is RWT In?

MAG Netherlands the Dutch riders organisation, reports that their Minister of Transport, Melanie Schulz van Haegen, has said that mandatory PTI (Periodical Technical Inspections) for motorcycles may again be part of European PTI regulation (RWT – Road Worthiness Testing). This is after the motorcycle part was deleted then reintroduced and is now part of parliamentary […]

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BMF Round Up!

Region 10 Northern Ireland Round up 2013 The British Motorcyclists Federation – BMF –  in Northern Ireland, has a round up of what has been happening in 2013. Of course we will add a couple of our own comments, it would be rude not to! Howard Anderson, Northern Ireland Region Chairman, comments: “All round it has […]

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SHARP Wins Awards

SHARP – The Helmet Safety Scheme has won two prestigious road safety awards – the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award and the 2013 FIM (Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme) Road Safety Award. The SHARP testing programme was developed by the Department For Transport (DfT) in Great Britain and provides motorcyclists with two strands of information […]

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ITS Wired World

Our colleagues from the Motorcycle Riders Foundation representing riders’ rights in the USA have put out a fascinating press release that can turn the whole ITS argument on its head. They argue that if we have to have companies using “Telematics” to monitor the vehicles – bring it on. They say “Fighting the technology is […]

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