Samaritans’ Motorcyclist

Sporting Stars ‘Revving up’ to welcome Samaritans’ motorcyclist – Tuesday 14th August 2012 As part of Samaritans’ annual awareness day 24:7, volunteers from Coleraine and District Branch are preparing for the arrival of David Exley, a Samaritans volunteer, who is motorcycling around the UK and Ireland to raise awareness of the charity. Ballymoney, being the […]

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Right To Report – RWT

Riders groups in the UK and the rest of Europe have started to make announcements concerning the European Commission’s proposal for periodic roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers, which includes mandatory Road Worthiness Testing (RWT) for motorcycles. These announcements are in addition to those by the riders groups from Norway (NMCU), Sweden (SMC) […]

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Hein Gericke

Some of our readers may have heard the news that Hein Gericke UK is closing down. This includes the two shops here in Northern Ireland. The official notice on the Hein Gericke UK website in bold headlines says, “Closing Down – Everything Must Be Sold – Everything Reduced”, however on the same website it states, […]

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Save MANX GP Update

In a message received to day, we have been informed that the MGP petition is due to close on August 3rd 2012, with a thank you to everyone for their support. “Overall we are very close to 10,000 signatures including the paper version which has been circulated. Please make sure that anyone you know who […]

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Bikesafe Lintons

Only just picked this up but a Bikesafe day at Lintons in Ballymena TODAY !! R F Linton & Sons SOON TO BE 65 Years in Business On Friday 3rd August 2012. R F Linton And Sons will celebrate our 65th Anniversary. The family run business was opened by Ronald Linton Senior on 1st August […]

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MAG Ireland On Petrol Pumps

MAG Ireland has sought clarification on forecourt rules as they have been made aware of a number of cases where riders were denied petrol at filling stations unless/until they dismount. At Right To Ride we are aware of this situation and letter writing by motorcyclists here in Northern Ireland, however MAG Ireland reports that the […]

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Events & Calendar

At Right To Ride we have always publicized our supporters’ events and the month of August is no different with a plethora of events from rallies to charity runs and rideouts. Although we have published other events, especially for charities when asked, we have only ever highlighted our supporters events. We were asked why we […]

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Supporting Brussels Protest

On July 13th, 2012 the European Commission announced a proposal for a Regulation Of The European Parliament and Of The Council on periodic roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers. As a response to this proposal, riders from three European countries that do not have road worthiness testing (RWT) are up in arms and […]

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Shouting or Educating?

Over the weekend my BMF (British Motorcyclists Federation) members’ magazine – Motorcycle Rider – slipped through the letterbox. As soon as it was removed from its plastic wrapper I leafed through to the lobby section to read up on what the BMF’s political bod Chris Hodder was up to as regarding the EU Commission regulation […]

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Evolution of Motorcycle Safety

Bennetts the motorcycle insurance provider has produced – “The Evolution of Motorcycle Safety Infographic”. The infographic promotes and highlights the most important moments in motorcycle safety development since the invention of the motorcycle, in 1883. However, the eagle eyed viewers in Northern Ireland will spot the difference in some dates, such as the introduction of […]

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