Bikes In Bus Lanes

Granting motorcycle access to certain Bus Lanes in Northern Ireland started in 2004 with lobbying over several years from the local regions of, The British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF), the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG UK) and supported by local politicians. Most Bus Lanes in Northern Ireland are available to buses, motorcycles, bicycles and Belfast public hire […]

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Legislation Licence Change

On Monday 2nd July, the Environment Minister Alex Attwood confirmed  the introduction of new legislation on driving licences from 19 January 2013, which is aimed at improving road safety in line with EU requirements. There will be no surprises for those who have followed our news and updates relating to motorcycle licence changes, brought about […]

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First Aid – Last Chance!

This weekend’s First Aid For Riders full day course – delivered by the St John Ambulance (NI) in Northern Ireland – may be the last chance for riders to participate in one of these courses. The course takes place on Saturday 7th July 2012 at the St John Ambulance, Belfast, Knockbracken, Healthcare Park, Saintfield Road […]

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Regulation Safer Bikes

Motorcycles use less fuel and less space than cars and are the personal transport of the hour is the commentary in this news in brief from Europarl TV. However they (their aficionados) can do even better say EU lawmakers who are negotiating with member states the final details of new rules intended to make motorbikes […]

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Unfolding Regulation Events

In January 2010 we first reported discussions that were afoot which could change the world of motorcycling as we know it. These were proposals for a new framework regulation for motorcycles to regulate emissions and the safety of motorcycles. Over the last couple of years, the issue has moved through procedures including public consultation. We […]

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EU Proposal – Are We There Yet?

We had hoped to bring you the in-depth details of a final package of the EU Commission Motorcycle Regulation proposal, (aka the Approval and market surveillance of two – or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles) from a European Council working party meeting which met this week. However while we wait for these details, we have had […]

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ACEM Newsletter June 2012

ACEM, the motorcycle industry in Europe, has published the June 2012 issue of its newsletter. The ACEM newsletter includes an article about the Earthquake in Italy which has hit motorcycle production; a call that includes €107 million funding for EU research in the European Green Vehicles Initiatie; ETSC’s (European Transport Safety Council) Road Safety Index […]

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NABD Big Thanks

A Big Thank You From The NABD (National Association for Bikers with a Disability) In December 2011 I had the painful duty of writing a press release announcing the suspension of the NABD Adaption Grant system. In essence demand had outstripped resources and in the first seven months of the 2011-2012 financial-year we had already […]

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Titanic Challenge Sunk

Torrential Rain and Gales Sink the Titanic IAM Motorcycle Challenge The longest day of 2012 was not the usual 21st June for the organisers of the IAM Titanic Motorcycle Challenge World Record Attempt. Rather it was the 22nd June: the day the wind blew and the rain lashed from early morning until late into the […]

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New EU Biking Face Book Page

At Right To Ride, we have been reporting extensively on the European Commission Motorcycle Regulation proposal, (aka the Approval and market surveillance of two – or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles) as it winds its way through the European Parliamentary procedures. Our reporting has been through the Right To Ride EU website and using the Right […]

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