The Great European Poker Run

The European Commission’s proposal for the Approval and Market Surveillance of two or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles is moving through the European processes. The next stage sees a vote in the IMCO (Internal Market and Consumer Protection) committee scheduled for November 22nd, before going to the European Parliament. Although the proposals were aimed at simplifying […]

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Update on French Protests etc etc

The French motorcycle magazine, MOTOMAG reports on what seems to be a change of position from the French Government after the recent mass protests by French riders. The protests, regarding new traffic legislation proposals, included for motorcyclists the mandatory wearing of Hi-Viz. MOTOMAG reports that the Interior Minister persists in the idea of improving the […]

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FEMA Green & Alternative

The Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations (FEMA) says it is driving the debate on Motorcycling, mobility and the environment, with the publication of position papers on two of the topics at the top of the political agenda: protection of the environment, and transport policies. FEMA says, “Riders at FEMA did their homework” saying that, “the […]

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The EU’s Licence Gaffe

There may be Trouble Ahead with the Third European Driving Licence Directive Right to Ride has just received a press release from the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) reporting on what appears to be a major gaffe by the European Commission and Parliament regarding the Third European Driving Licence Directive. It seems that the European […]

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Ancestors MCC – Christmas Toy Run

Ancestors MCC – Christmas Toy Run for the Childrens Ward at the Ulster Hospital Dundonald It’s that time of year again, when we all start to think about Christmas and buying gifts for under our Christmas tree. We would ask you all to keep Sunday the 11th December free and come along and join the […]

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BMF On Regulations

The British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) have commented on the EU Regulation proposals that are nearing final stages, before being voted on in the European Parliament. Joining the public debate, the BMF have arisen to give their view on the myths and fallacies that have been perpetuated to UK riders, in particular leading up to a […]

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Highwaymen – EU Road Safety

On Tuesday 27th September at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, MEPs voted on and adopted a resolution regarding a report – European road safety 2011-2020. Prepared and presented by German MEP Dieter-Lebrecht Koch from the MEP Committee on Transport and Tourism (Tran) the report is non-legislative, so is not a proposed regulation or a directive […]

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NI Sportsbike Club

Right To Ride welcomes on board new club supporters the NI Sportsbike Club. The club was started early in 2011 by a few friends that all met through riding bikes over the years. The clubs aim is to attract like minded people who enjoy riding sports bikes and meeting up to talk rubbish on the […]

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RSA on Type Approval & High-Viz

MAG Ireland reports that The RSA (Road Safety Authority) has published a page on it’s web site [click here] about both the EU type approval proposals and it’s own proposal to make high visibility clothing mandatory for riders & pillion passengers. Recently at Right To Ride we wrote to the RSA for further clarification on […]

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Have You Heard!

EU Proposals – Your Thoughts! Demos and protests took place on Sunday 25th September, against proposed EU Legislation regarding motorcycles. Have you heard – that you won’t be able to service your bike at home? Have you heard – that you won’t even be able to change the handlebars? Have you heard – that you […]

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