Two Days Of Sun

Ride It Right, the motorcycle initiative in Northern Ireland reports it was invited along to the Phillip McCallens Motorcycles Open Day and Bikesafe event in Lisburn on Saturday 9th April and the Fallen Heroes Bikesafe Open Day at Comber Fire Station on Sunday 10th April. Both events were a fantastic success in no small part […]

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Wire Rope Barriers Are Expensive

The Swedish riders’ organisation SMC (Sveriges MotorCyklister) reports that, wire rope barriers can be expensive in the long run and says that risk to injury is also higher on roads fitted with wire rope systems. SMC agree with a doctoral thesis which was recently completed by Karim Hawzheen, entitled – Road Design for Future Maintenance […]

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Views From Abroad

A press release hit my desk today about the Road Safety Strategy – 2020, which was launched last week by the Department of the Environment (DOE). The press release issued by Jeff Stone with comments by Chris Hodder, the BMF’s (British Motorcyclists Federation) Government Relations Executive based in London, states that “Compulsory Basic Training has […]

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Other Road Users – See Us

Ride It Right has launched – “See Us – Get It Right” – an advisory and warning leaflet for other vehicle drivers. The leaflet asks other vehicle drivers to – Just Think! – See Us and Get It Right! – at: Junctions When Turning Right When Emerging Onto Main Roads When Overtaking When Changing Lanes […]

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Boothill MCC Supports

Right To Ride welcomes on board new club supporters – Boothill MCC. Michele Bell Boothill MCC (Secretary) says: BOOTHILL MCC has been going now for over 15 years, we are based in Northern Ireland and our members come from all over the Co Down and Co Antrim areas. Our members are both male and female […]

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Road Safety Strategy To 2020

On Tuesday 15th March Right To Rides Trevor Baird and Elaine Hardy attended the launch of the new Road Safety Strategy for Northern Ireland at Stormont – On The Hill. Alongside the launch of The Road Safety Strategy to 2020 – Vision: Driving Road Safety Forward, by the Environment Minister Edwin Poots, was the announcement […]

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Ride It Right the motorcycle safety initiative is supporting Where2Now. Ride It Right features riders favourite “routes” for a ride out, whether for a weekend or mid week ride or just taking the ride to wherever it leads. Taking a ride out to the extreme are Craig Warren and Craig Walsh from Where2Now. The two […]

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EU Driving Licence – Not That Bad!

The Department of the Environment (DOE) has silently issued a document on their Road Safety website, which contains the Summary of Consultation Responses, the Department’s Response, and Next Steps regarding the implementation of the 3rd EC Directive On Driving Licences. The directive from the European Union, which must be transposed into national legislation by 19th […]

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It’s A Lightmare

Right To Ride has been supporting whose aim is to fight the growing road safety problem of blinding lights which affect drivers’ ability to perceive hazards. These lights put the most vulnerable and less conspicuous road users, for example pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists at risk. Since Lightmare launched the campaign fully on 31st January, […]

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Garvey MCC Supports

Right To Ride welcomes on board new club supporters – Garvey MCC. The Garvey Motorcycle Club was first started back in 1987 and the name of the club comes from Lisnagarvey, which was the old name for Lisburn, were the club was first formed. The club ride has a wide variety of bikes and their […]

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