MAG UK Choppers Safe

In January 2012 the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG UK) reported on their website that, “The European Commission has proposed that part of its controversial new ‘Anti-Tampering’ regulations, which will affect all future bikes registered for the road, should be re-written to prevent chop-builders from using ‘long-forks’.” As we commented earlier this month, the issue of […]

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Trailers In Sweden

SMC – The Swedish Motorcyclists Association – report that issues that they have been facing for three years regarding trailers have finally been resolved! Three years of struggling to allow towing couplers on motorcycles in Sweden is finally over! Today the Swedish Transport Agency published the new regulation which will allow a towing coupler on […]

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Choppers Not Banned EU

Those who have followed our two articles “The European Chop Shop” and “Long Forks Or False Prophets” regarding whether the European Commission is banning ““extreme chopper style vehicles” will be interested and intrigued to read a report from the Swedish Riders organisation which contains a statement from FEMAs (Federation Of European Motorcyclists Association) General Secretary, […]

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Long Forks or False Prophets

In the 29th February edition of Motorcycle News (MCN), Senior Reporter Steve Farrell led an article entitled “EU targets choppers” with a sub heading of, “Latest EU plans would ban long forks”. Farrell starts the article with, “Choppers could be consigned to history by the latest proposals from Brussels to prevent us modifying our bikes.” […]

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FEMA Useless Impact Assessment

Useless impact assessment reinforces ABS proponents The EU parliamentary committee in charge of the motorcycle type approval regulation rejected the findings of an impact assessment it had ordered previously due to flawed data assessment. Contradicting the Committee’s vote the analysis concluded that mandating ABS for scooters and motorcycles with an engine displacement below 125cc was […]

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ACEM Deplores Impact Assessment

Motorcycle Industry deplores that IMCO impact assessment did not cast any light on the effects of new motorcycle legislation The IMCO Committee rejected today the conclusions of the impact analysis study (IAS) carried out by London Economics on behalf of the European Parliament on the compromise amendments regarding the Regulation of L-category vehicles. Brussels, 28 […]

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Regulation Impact Assessment

The office of Malcolm Harbour has sent out information regarding an Impact Assessment which is on the IMCO (Internal Market and Consumer Protection) website and will be discussed at the next IMCO meeting on the 28th February 2012. The Impact Assessment looked at three measures contained in the European Commission’s proposal for a “Regulation on […]

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When MEPs Attack!

UKIP MEP Marta Andreasen has accused the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG UK), and in particular Paddy Tyson, MAG’s Campaign Manager for attacking her stance on the EU proposal for the Approval and market surveillance of two – or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles regulation proposal, which is that it should be thrown out. According to Ms […]

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American-V The Big Debate

Update on the Big Debate 21st October 2012 We have updated this original article we reported on as it was published in American-V magazine. The update, the subsequent published text in later issues of American-V magazine, includes a right to reply from the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG UK) to the original article, a reply to […]

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Fast Bikes Ruined By Europe?

In the Spring 2012 issue of FAST BIKES magazine Deputy Editor Simon Roots wrote a article about the regulation proposal for motorcycles the – Approval and market surveillance of two – or three-wheel vehicles and quadricycles. The article sets out a “lay” explanation of the regulation proposal from, “the proposal’s original intention of a simplification […]

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