USA Motorcycle Lobby

Last year we published an article entitled the – Strong Global Lobby! This started with the statement – Do you know that outside of Europe, motorcycle lobbying, along with Riders Rights, is alive and kicking…….……………. This is certainly true in the USA state of Washington at the Senate Transportation Committee. At the public hearing the […]

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Heavy Quadricycles Tests

Euro NCAP Crash Tests on Heavy Quadricycles Euro NCAP has tested four heavy quadricycles in a special safety campaign. They say that vehicles tested have performed very poorly and some have shown serious risks of life threatening injuries. Adding that although street-legal, quadricycles do not have to pass any of the rigorous crash tests to […]

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Filtering Australia

Here in the UK filtering (riding slowly between stationary or slow moving vehicles) on a motorcycle/scooter/moped is an accepted and legitimate practice. However this has not been “legal” or accepted by authorities in other countries including the Australian State of NSW (New South Wales). However from the 1st July 2014 motorcycle lane filtering will be […]

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EU Travels

As we travel on an extended lifestyle journey to the Southern States of Europe – Spain and Portugal – via France we have been posting on the Right To Ride EU Facebook page. This has composed mainly of pictures and some comments on the difference between these states and the Northern European State of the […]

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ACEM’s “New” Man

ACEM the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) has announced the appointment of Antonio Perlot as its new Secretary General, with effect from 1 May 2014. Mr Perlot was appointed at the ACEM General Assembly in March 2013 and will replace Jacques Compagne (61), who after 10 years at the helm of ACEM will be […]

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FIM – Public Policy Newsletter

The Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM, Federation of International Motorcycling) has announced the re-launch of its Public Policy Newsletter. The decision to re-launch the newsletter was taken at last months FIM Commissions Conference in Geneva, Jesper Christensen, Director of the Public Affairs Commission said, “Previously the focus was very much on the European scene, but […]

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RWT – MEPs Vote

At the European Parliament in Strasbourg MEPs voted yesterday, 11th March 2014 and accepted the deal with member states on minimum common standards for periodic vehicle inspections, vehicle registration documents and roadside inspections of commercial vehicles. We have been reporting on the original European Commission proposal for a regulation since 2010, which would have included […]

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EU Motorcyclists Forum

The Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations has released a press release about the European Motorcyclists Forum, taking place on 5th and 6th March 2014. Is the Forum on ITS as FEMA claims, a logical step towards better integration of motorcycling in European transport policies? Do riders really want to accept Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to […]

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BMF: One Voice On EU

The BMF (British Motorcyclists Federation) reports that it continues to represent motorcyclists’ interests at governmental level. The BMF say that, “The government consulted the British Motorcyclists Federation for their recent report, Review of the Balance of Competences between the United Kingdom and the European Union. The report addresses whether the EU has too much power […]

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A Million Cards

The International Helmet Safety Card One Million Cards Produced And Distributed   After three days with our Northern Ireland Biker Safety Card at the Adelaide – Blackhorse Motorcycle Festival in Belfast, news has reached us that one million of the cards have now been produced and distributed worldwide. The card was well received at the […]

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